Releasing and Versioning
The project loosely uses Semantic Versions where the patch/micro number matches the release date.
Breaking changes
Work in Progress
Guidelines in "Breaking Changes" are the desired workflow, but in practice we are not always following them as 1) the metadata model wasn't yet matured and 2) the infrastructure for this needs to be developed. For now, we make sure all URLs are at least under a version suffix, which makes support in the future possible.
Breaking changes of a resource include deleting a field, changing the name of an existing field, or changing the datatype of a field. Adding new fields is not a breaking change.
On a breaking change for a resource (e.g. for Dataset), a new router with a new version should be created. The existing router should be deprecated, and rewritten so that it can handle the new metadata of the database. This deprecation of a router will be visible in the Swagger documentation. Calls to a deprecated router will still work, but a response header "Deprecated" will be added with the deprecation date. The deprecated router will then be deleted on the next release.
On non-breaking changes of a resource, a new version is not needed for the corresponding router.
Example: - Start - Release 1: (no breaking changes) - Release 2: - (deprecated) - - Release 3:
As changelog we use the Github tags. For each release, a release branch should be created with a bumped version in the pyproject.toml, and merged with the master. The tag should contain a message detailing all the breaking and non-breaking changes. This message should adhere to the guiding principles as described in
- Show all tags:
- Show a specific tag:
This information can also be extracted using the Github REST API.
Creating a release
To create a new release,
1. Make sure all requested functionality is merged with the develop
2. From develop: git checkout -b release/[VERSION]
. Example of version: 1.1.20231129
3. Update the version in pyproject.toml
4. Test all (most of) the functionality. Checkout the project in a new directory and remove all
your local images, and make sure it works out-of-the box.
5. Go to and draft a new release from the
release branch. Look at all closed PRs and create a changelog
6. Create a PR from release branch to master
7. After that's merged, create a PR from master to develop
8. Deploy on the server(s):
- Check which services currently work (before the update). It's a sanity check for if a service doesn't work later.
- Update the code on the server by checking out the release
- Merge configurations as necessary
- Make sure the latest database migrations are applied: see "Schema Migrations"
9. Notify everyone (e.g., in the API channel in Slack).