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Keycloak Service

When running the metadata catalogue in production, you want to ensure that users can authenticate so that proper authorization over the endpoints can take place. Keycloak is typically configured to allow users to sign on with credentials from other services, such as a Google account or an institutional one.

Configuring Keycloak

To configure Keycloak, set the following environment variables (preferably through the override.env file):

  • HOSTNAME: URL for issued tokens (documentation). For example:
  • AIOD_KEYCLOAK_PORT: The port at which the Keycloak server should be available in the host machine, e.g., 8081.
  • REDIRECT_URIS: URI a successful login action should redirect back to. E.g., https://${HOSTNAME}/docs/oauth2-redirect.
  • POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URIS: URI a successful logout action should redirect back to. E.g., https://${HOSTNAME}/aiod-auth/realms/aiod/protocol/openid-connect/logout.

As well as the openid_connect_url in ./src/config.override.toml (for authentication on the Swagger page):

openid_connect_url = ""

Using External Identity Providers

There are two ways to integrate external identity providers (e.g. Google, EGI Check-in).

Create both a private and a public client in the external provider (this step is required for both options below).

Option 1: Update the configuration files

  • Replace KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET in .env.override with the value provided by the external IdP.
  • Update server_url, client_idr, client_id_swagger openid_connect_url and scopes in ./src/config.override.toml.
  • In this setup, the Keycloak container is not required and can be shut down.

Option 2: use keycloak as an identity broker


Roles identify a type or category of user and determine their access and permissions within applications. Currently, only the edit_aiod_resources role is defined, granting users the ability to upload and edit resources. Note that roles may be used for services other than the metadata catalogue. New roles can be created from the admin console, see "Creating a realm role".

Verifying Keycloak is Working

To verify the Keycloak service is configured correctly using the Swagger interface, follows these steps:

  1. Open your browser and go to http://$HOSTNAME
  2. Go to /authorization_test, click on try it out and execute.
    • You should get an Error: Unauthorized
  3. Log in:
    • Click the Authorize button in the top-right corner.
    • Select OpenIdConnect (OAuth2, authorization_code with PKCE).
    • Click Authorize and log in using any available identity provider.
  4. Return to /authorization_test, click try it out and then execute again.

If authentication is successful, the request should now be authtorised.

Importing and Exporting Realm and User Files

See also "Importing and Exporting Realms" in the Keycloak documentation.

Keycloak has "realm" configurations (e.g., roles that exist for AIoD), as well as "user" configurations (e.g., user Alice with password X is a Reviewer). We advise to export these separately, so you can share the non-sensitive realm configuration without sharing sensitive user information.

To export run the following command while the keycloak container is running:

docker exec -it keycloak /opt/keycloak/bin/ export --dir /opt/keycloak/data/export  --realm aiod

This puts the exported files in the ${DATA_PATH}/keycloak/data/export directory.

To import, just place the export files into the {DATA_PATH}/keycloak/data/import directory.